Course Details
February 5 – April 26, 2024
Registration is CLOSED
Enrollment Fee: $600-$800 sliding scale
Payment plan option available, as well as a special rate for VOA employees. We currently do not offer scholarship funds or additional discount rates.
* 30 continuing education credits offered for chaplaincy and social work, upon request.
Check the Spring 2024 cohort schedule for live sessions to ensure you are able to join the live session components.
We will cap this cohort to about 30 students.
Course Description
Moral injury is the suffering people experience when in high-stakes situations, things go wrong, and harm results from something a person did, witnessed, failed to prevent, or received. First coined by Dr. Jonathan Shay in 1994 to refer to the "undoing of character" caused by the moral anguish of combat veterans, moral injury is a concept that has been growing in awareness and relevance among healthcare workers, first responders, social workers, journalists, activists, and others.
This course is designed to increase participants' knowledge of trauma, moral distress, and moral injury, drawing from research and work in various disciplines. These disciplines include the fields of social work, psychology, spiritual care, mental health counseling, religion, and arts and healing. It will also increase competency for developing and implementing peer support strategies for processing distressful experiences as a means of facilitating moral repair and building moral resilience. Learning content will be delivered through lectures, reading, participation in peer learning cohorts and practicums, and development of a capstone project.
This is a 50-hour course comprised of synchronous sessions (12 hours group discussions, 9 hours practicums) and asynchronous study time (9 hours lecture videos, 20 hours readings and capstone project preparation). This averages to about 5 hours of engagement per course week.
All course content will be on the Teachable platform, which students will have access to for a year (until February 1, 2025). Access to good internet connection and a Zoom account (for synchronous sessions) is required for successful engagement.
Course Schedule
Click on the Spring 2024 live sessions schedule to check if you are able to join live session components of the course. Certain times are listed as TBD and will be dependent on total enrollment size and number of small groups.
MICP utilizes a peer learning approach, so the live session components are just as integral as course lectures, for learning.
Questions to Consider Whether MICP is a Good Fit for You:
- Do I have the capacity (time, energy, commitment) to attend the live sessions? (Weekly live session commitments are generally 1.5 hours, but up to 3 hours/week during practicum weeks)
- Am I willing and open to engaging in a peer learning, interdisciplinary space?
- Do I have access to and familiarity with the technology needed to participate in the course? This includes: good internet connection, a video camera device for Zoom meetings, a willingness to utilize the course platform (Teachable)
- Am I interested in not only conceptual knowledge, but applying and integrating learnings in my context?
Learning objectives of the program include the following:
Define Moral Injury
Define moral injury from various disciplines and for populations of interest; describe risk factors using relevant scales and data; relay effective practices for addressing moral injury.
Identify Best Practices for Recovery
Explain evidence-based programs for recovery; demonstrate skills for recovery, tailored for specific populations; identify strategies using arts, rituals, spiritual practices, group processes, creative technologies; peer support models in recovery processes.
Create a Capstone Project
Final project of choice: a programmatic strategy (to implement in a professional or communal context); an integrative paper (to demonstrate conceptual development); or a portfolio (e.g. popular education materials, toolkits, multimedia works, etc.)
Course Content
Each week will comprise of either lecture recordings or synchronous practicum sessions, with accompanying reading assignments. There will be live group discussions during lecture weeks.
Course topics include:
Week 1: What is Moral Injury?
Week 2: Identifying Moral Injury & Risk Factors
Week 3: Processing Moral Injury (Practicum)
Week 4: Religious, Spiritual, Cultural Traditions
Week 5: Dimensions of Recovery
Week 6: Strategies & Processes for Recovery
Week 7: Training in Moral Injury Care (Practicum)
[Spring Break]
Week 8: Practicing Moral Injury Care (Practicum)
Week 9: Capstone Project Preparation
Week 10: Capstone Project Presentations
A certificate of completion will be offered to students who complete the course, including attending all live sessions (discussion groups and practicums) and submitting a capstone project.
30 CEs in chaplaincy or social work are available upon request.
* MIRAC alums will have the option to "skip" course portions that overlap with MIRAC content and be credited for those sections. More information provided upon request.
** Course content will be available on the Teachable platform starting February 5, 2024. Students will be contacted prior to the course start date with instructions and prep materials.
We are thankful to the following consultation group members who provided their expertise and insights for the curriculum: Rev. Alice Cabotaje (M.Div., BCC, ACPE), Dr. Danielle Hairston (M.D.), Dr. Frederic G. Reamer (Ph.D.), Michael Van Wert (MPH, MSW, LICSW), Rev. Dr. Stephanie M. Crumpton (Ph.D.), Rev. Dr. Trace Haythorn (Ph.D.), Rev. Dr. Zachary Moon (Ph.D.)
Contact Us
Captions for lecture videos are available upon requests. Please email us in advance if you will need captions and/or are interested in continuing education hours.
Refund Policy
We follow Teachable's refund policy: a 30-day refund from the date of purchase. We will offer transfers or refunds for emergency situations (such as family death, illness) on a case by case basis. Refund requests that are submitted more than 30 days from the purchase date will incur administrative and payment processing fees.
Enrollment Size Disclaimer
This course requires a minimum of 12 registrants by the registration deadline. If the minimum is not met, those who have registered by the deadline will be notified of a postponement and can choose either a refund or a guaranteed slot for a future time the course is offered.
Certificate of Completion
Upon successful completion, students will receive a Certificate of Completion acknowledging they have received specialized training on moral injury. This course does not provide a credential and should not be confused with certification, which is an extensive process in professional fields with specific requirements.
MICP Alum Testimonials
The MICP course allowed me to develop an entirely new comprehension and paradigm for moral concerns, injury, and existential experiences. The insightful, eye-opening facets are engaging for both tangible, practical approaches, as well as theoretical, philosophical, and research avenues. This is a beneficial, dynamic opportunity for all individuals to broaden their horizons and expand their growth. — Andrea St.Hilaire
Without hesitation, I would re-enroll and experience the program all over again. It offered a timely and expansive educational and experiential learning opportunity regarding the pervasive phenomenon of moral injury. Highly relevant for both pastoral and clinical professionals alike. — C.K., Licensed Mental Health Professional
This is a wonderful introduction to a topic that is critical to identify and commit to repair. This is the first fabulous option I have had to delve into this, and my personal and professional life has changed as a result of it. I absolutely support other curious minds to take this course and engage in depth in a supportive environment. — Suetta Tenney, MD, FACP, Maine